Friday, 28 January 2011

'That's my King'

I am a Christian. There I said it. I am sometimes ashamed to admit to people that I am as people get this look in their eyes as if to say, 'Wow there goes the fun from any conversation'. I am a very very lax Christian. I have no problems with gay relationships, I think people should be able to have sex before marriage, I think people should treat their body as a temple but if they want to smoke/drink/take drugs then that's fine.

When I do admit to people that I am a Christian (albeit a Christian who doesn't like going to church), people are suprised. I do think sometimes people still have a preconception that Christians are all still in sandals, walking round in polyester skirts and horrible ill fitting jumpers. I used to think that. I went to an inter-church school, Catholic and Protestant mixed together, and we had Christianity shoved down our throats on a daily basis, something which at the time I absolutely resented. I refused point blank to believe in God, Jesus or any of those other people from The Bible who have long fancy names.

I don't even know where the turning point came. I suddenly became interested in looking into passages from The Bible. I started exploring the words and meanings of Bible passages and using them in my everyday life. I really am a very poor representation of Christianity, but the way I see it is if I am happy then God is happy that I'm happy. If I am sad then I am probably doing something wrong and I need to re-evaluate what I'm doing.

This is by no means a blog post to make people believe in God. I don't think people should have to believe in anything. I hate street preachers with a passion. I do not think they have the right to tell me that I'm going to hell. They have no prior knowledge of me and have no idea how I have lived my life. In my world they would all happily be banned.

This is my favourite thing to listen to when I feel like I am taking wrong turns. It is a powerful speech made by a preacher in America and has become famous throughout churches and popular with Christians throughout the world.

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