Thursday, 6 January 2011


As someone who has watched Eastenders since they were five years old, I have grown used to the far fetched and sometimes ludicrous plots over the years. Nothing though could have prepared me for the recent cot death/baby swap story.

Cot death is a horrible and tragic part of life, something that does need to have attention drawn to it. I think it is right for a soap opera to cover stories such as these as it happens to people everyday, and it needs to not be forgotten about. However, the baby swap part of the story is one of the most absurd things I have ever had to watch. Apart from the technicalities (how can no one not notice it is a different baby!?), there was just no need for this part of the story to be brought in. Cot death on its own would have been controversial enough without the baby swapping part, and Eastenders should have just stopped at that.

Samantha Womack who plays Ronnie Mitchell is apparently leaving the soap in the coming months, I am hoping this means that the whole stupid plot will be resolved and we no longer have to put up with a story that there really was no need for.

I will file this under Eastenders most stupid plots, this and Phil Mitchell's very quick, and then very fast recovery from crack addiction... You can't make someone a crack addict just by making him say the word 'crack' out loud a lot.

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